HydraFacial Deluxe,Adam and Eve Specialist Medical Center:


Cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing the skin in just fifty minutes


HydraFacial Deluxe,Adam and Eve Specialist Medical Center:

Non-surgical skin resurfacing with only 50 minutes to clean Exfoliating and moisturizing the skin

HydraFacial Deluxe

It is a non-invasive procedure that provides immediate results without any inconvenience. to a rest period The treatment is a breakthrough in aesthetic technology, with its ability to moisturize the skin, and this is what sets it apart from other skin resurfacing procedures.

The Deluxe HydraFacial treatment sloughs away dead skin cells and draws out impurities while simultaneously infusing new skin with nourishing agents. Cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. The exfoliating action is soothing and moisturizing Unobtrusive, with immediate results It used to be popular to use microdermabrasion, which is a non-surgical procedure to remove the outermost layer of skin using a stream of microcrystals passed over the surface of the skin. Then technology appeared The newest HydraFacial Deluxe The HydraFacial Deluxe treatment does not use crystals to assist in the exfoliation process, but instead uses a spiral tip that has a special shape that exfoliates and removes impurities, in addition to the use of various serums that cleanse, moisturize and provide an antioxidant infusion during the treatment process.

Benefits of Hydrafacial Deluxe Technology:

● Excellent technique, fast results, without pain or downtime.

● Fights fine lines and wrinkles

● Nutrients treat skin tone and texture.

● Getting rid of dark spots.

● Reduce pore size

● A more comprehensive light therapy is included in this treatment.

● Fifty minutes of your time is enough to give you clear, elastic skin.Lively and without wrinkles, lines, pigmentation, or scar effects

What can I expect after a HydraFacial Deluxe session?

Everyone will tell you about the clear freshness of your skin, as you will find that the skin color has become uniform, more vibrant, fresh and refreshed since the first session. The smooth, hydrating results may last five to seven days, or even longer.

How many hydra facial deluxe sessions do I need to keep my skin fresh?

One session per month is recommended to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, oily and congested skin. Consistent use of HydraFacial treatments is highly recommended to maintain results.

Hydrafacial deluxe features:

● Instant results.

● Safe, easy and non-irritating treatment

● It does not need a recovery period.

● Painless

● Removes dead skin cells.

● Extracts impurities.

● Moisturizes the skin.

● Treats various skin problems such as.

● Age spots and pigmentation.

● Sun damage.

● Fine lines, hyperpigmentation

● Uneven skin tone

● Uneven skin texture.

● wrinkles.

● Congested / clogged pores.

● Active acne.

● Dull/tired skin

● A safe technique that can be applied during pregnancy.

It is used for different skin types for normal skin, oily skin, acne-prone skin, and dry skin

HydraFacial Deluxe in Abu Dhabi

Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Center offers the best treatments for all skin problems. We offer you HydraFacial Deluxe as an excellent solution for most skin problems.

Why should you choose Adam and Eve Specialized Medical Center?

● The best medical and cosmetic center in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

● The most skilled specialists in dermatology, cosmetology, family medicine and general .

● The best technology and modern devices.

● Reliable and high quality materials.

● Friendly atmosphere and relaxed reception

● You are our star and priority

● The best laser hair removal devices in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

● The best cupping specialists in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

● Best freshness injections in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Consult a dermatologist to recommend appropriate treatments for your skin.

For reservations and medical inquiries,

WhatsApp. 0564134499

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Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Center
Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Center

Written by Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Center


Cosmetics | Hajama & Healthcare Content Writer.

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